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President Joe Biden
20 October 2020

Equity Markets enjoy healthy gains.

Global stock markets have continued to record healthy gains in Q3 after a strong bounce back in Q2. This equity lift can be put down to a recovery in global activity, hopes of a Covid-19 vaccine and the on-going financial…

Boris Johnson and Emanuel Macron
20 October 2020

Britain’s V shaped recovery is coming under pressure.

Britain’s V shaped recovery is coming under pressure with the rise in virus cases and new regional lockdowns threatening to reverse the recent growth in the UK’s GDP. Households are increasingly fearful over wages and jobs as the furlough scheme…

Portfolio selections
2 July 2020

Our new portfolios are positioned for the next phase.

Edition 33 – New Portfolio Selections We are publishing the new Edition 33 of the Estate Capital investment portfolios tomorrow and sending clients either through our new portal, by email or by post our rebalance request. We fully recommend that…

Governor Jerome Powell
15 June 2020

Markets are suffering from altitude sickness.

The steady upward march of global stock markets was brought to a halt last week with the threat of a second wave of coronavirus and a bleak economic outlook hitting sentiment. The past ten weeks has seen a remarkable rebound…

European Central Bank
8 June 2020

The Financial system is awash with liquidity.

May proved to be politically contentious month. The Chinese government moved to effectively end Hong Kong’s autonomy which dramatically heightening tensions between China and both the UK and US. Also, yet another unarmed black American was tragically killed by those…


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Estate Capital Financial Management
7 Uplands Crescent,
Swansea, South Wales,
SA2 0PA.
Tel: 01792 477763